Monday, January 18, 2010

Stuff Happens!

Holy Moly. What a whirlwind the last few days have been...I mean, for crying out loud, it's Monday night and the last post on the blog is from WEDNESDAY of last week?!?!?  Thursday, Friday, Saturday - the days just kinda run together and I'm having a hard time sorting out which was which!

I do know that most of Friday was spent doing one of my favorite things: preparing the house for an overnight guest.

My dear friend Jessica came from California to visit for a few days.  She arrived at DPF on Saturday afternoon, and she's just one of those friends who fall right into the rhythm of the house.  She was always one of our "core" friends in Los Angeles who kept the social buzz at our house at a constant hum!  It was so incredibly wonderful to have her here in Oregon for a few days.  We had lots of down time, lots of wine and martinis, lots of laughs, and made plenty of new memories together!

The DPF Passionate "Jaleplumo" martini

Ok, honestly, I know I'm totally immature, but even without martinis, this candied peanut makes me laugh

Jessica left today, but not before getting a taste of the craziness of DPF.  We woke this morning to a beautiful day without much rain - and thankfully we were able to take a nice slow walk around the property without getting poured on!  Once the day was going, however, it was full of challenges: a fallen, deteriorating fence around the paddocks at the barn made it completely and utterly unsafe to put the horses outside. A massive fallen pine tree in front of the shop led to a broken chain saw and a frustrated groundskeeper. A dog whose front feet were horribly painful and sensitive ended up causing a trip to the vets' which turned into a full day stay. A second dog who had eaten SOMETHING to which she had an allergic reaction and couldn't stop drooling like a faucet gave cause to much worry and concern, though luckily not another vet payment.  On top of that, we had a baby to take care of, people to feed, and American Idol's "Pants on the Ground" to watch (that, my friends, is a catchy song!!!).

Boots' pads and feet are extremely sensitive, but we can't find anything wrong with them

We made it through the day with some help from my mother (thanks, Mom).   I did NOT want Jessica to leave, but even with the calamity that the day developed into, we still enjoyed our last day together.  When we hit traffic on the way to the airport, there was a tiny moment where I thought, "Woo hoo!!! I get her another day."  But, despite my hopes, I sped to the airport arriving no more than a few minutes behind schedule.  We said our good-byes, and she hurriedly got herself to the counter --- only to find out that her flight had been delayed 3 hours -  NICE.  Unfortunately, she didn't call me until I was too far gone to turn around.

After finally winding down the day, EG and I spent some time together in my bedroom playing on the bed.  It was nice just to play, cuddle, and look at her beautiful face.  What a wonderfully upbeat way to end a rather intense day.  She really is so darn adorable!

Thank you, Ellie, for making me smile!


this is just so damn funny to me

She insisted on wearing a pull-up under AND over her leggings

Ellie's little Pull-Up clad tooshie sitting on a chair, shirt tucked in!

Jax loves to wake EG up in the mornings...

Mom painted that Neverland mural...

Chilling together

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