Monday, November 30, 2009

Speeding Time

So today I'm having one of those days where I'm doubting my creative talent. The thought keeps crossing through my mind that maybe I just THINK the things I make are beautiful and yummy and what not, but in reality, they're crap.  And now that I've written that, the only thing running through my brain is my oldest brother Jake's voice (via email):

"Aiyoo - self-pity has never been your strong suit!"

So in honor of my brother, "AIYOOOOOOOOO" and on we go.

I'm not sure today even happened.  It went by so fast, and while I attempted to get stuff done, it didn't happen.  Mostly because after swim class I thought I would make good use of my time and go to Michaels for some much needed supplies.  Boy, oh boy, was that a mistake! It was PACKED!!!!!  EG was well behaved enough that the cashier commented on how she was quiet and even though she was cranky, she still listened and behaved herself.  I just chuckled.  Good timing, I suppose.

Ellie cooperated enough with me that I was able to get some decorating done around the house...

entry way isn't done, but almost!

Bookshelves in "tv" room

While she took her nap, I made a really, really cool wall hanging that I want to put on Etsy, but given the way things have been going, am not sure it will sell...I love it, personally, so I won't complain if it doesn't go anywhere but my wall!  See it hanging next to the bookshelves in the above picture?  If I actually knew how to use the magnificent camera that is in my possession, maybe I could get a decent picture and it WOULD have a chance to sell!!!!!

I'm trying to figure out why after the first burst of Etsy success, things have slowed down...any thoughts?    I'm pretty sure that the photos don't do my creations how do I make that work????


Maybe I just need sleep.


Talking to Daddy

Building her tower

Discovered the linen closet...she loves it ALMOST as much as I do!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Back to Quiet?

Deeeeeeeeep breath.  Aaaaaaaaaah.

And again....


Ok, I feel better.

In contrast to all the busyness, activity, and socializing that we've experienced the last few weeks, Jeffrey and I had the most low-key, relaxing, chilled out day we've had in a long time!  While the plan had originally been to get the Christmas decorating in full motion, neither of us seemed to "feel it" yet, though  Jeffrey did bring all of the boxes of Christmas decorations out of storage into the living room.

there are a few on the other side of the room as well!

I think I could quite possibly have more boxes of Christmas decorations than I had boxes when I moved out of my first apartment!  While Ellie Graye took a little snooze in the afternoon, I attempted to begin the process of unpacking them.  Opening boxes, getting tickled pink when I discovered things that I had bought on clearance last year and forgotten about, I started to get inspired.  As I opened the last box (a great big huge box full of the feather wreaths I had originally made for our wedding, but then repurposed them for Christmas) a peculiarly putrid smell filled my nostrils.  I nearly vomited.

"What the HECK is that?!?!"
Jeffrey muttered something I couldn't understand, and I proceeded to remove the wreaths and the yards and yards of sheer fabric.  Feathers were flying everywhere.  What the heck???

Suddenly, I discovered the source of the smell...

"Um. Jeffrey?"
"Um. Can you go get the big trash can and meet me out front?"
"Yeah. What's the matter?"
"Um. You know that rat poison we put down in the shop? It worked."

It was absolutely, undeniably one of the most disgusting smells I have ever smelled.  Dead Rat. Rat Pee. Rat Poo. Old rat food. Even Jeffrey had a hard time keeping himself from dry heaving as he helped me dump everything into our trash can.  It was GNARLY!!!!!

Needless to say, there will be no more white feathery wreaths decorating our home for Christmas or for any other occasion. Hell NO!.  In fact, I very well may have a gag reflex every time I SEE a white feathery boa wreath. DISGUSTING!!!!! Thankfully, that box was the last box that I had to rummage through.  I would have had to really, really psych myself up to open any others had it not been!

Once Ellie Graye woke up, we went for a long walk and let the house air out a bit since the smell had permeated everything.  We picked up fallen evergreen limbs along the way, and enjoyed the beauty of a sunshiny day in Oregon. Ellie loves being outside, and Jeffrey and I love sharing the beauty of Deer Park as a family!

paint strokes!

Looking up into an old oak tree

it was SUNNY!

Upon returning, I spruced up the grapevine wreath that we have hanging just outside our door year round.  A little holly, a few pine bows, and a big red bow and tah-dah! we're ready for Christmas guests.

I was also lucky enough to find time to put together a sampler box of 4 flavors for a friend of mine at SwimBabes.  If anyone wants one, they're going fast, so get your orders in now! I also included one of my pine cone ornaments that I've been making.  I'm wondering if I might put those up on Etsy...the question is, would anyone buy them???  I also attached one on the Levin's Gift Basket yesterday.

Speaking of Etsy, amid the craziness of this weekend, I was able to find the time to create a candle holder from the bark, moss and pine cones I've collected this year. I'm loving how it turned out, and more than likely am going to center my decorating around this idea, as well as try to sell a few over in my shop...would YOU like one of these?  I really think the photos don't do it justice, and I may experiment with different ribbons.

On another note, it's Sunday; that means I'm back to being a solo parent.  Saying good-bye to Jeffrey wasn't easy, but there have been nights when it has been more difficult.  This week, we had a good amount of time together, and we created some great memories with lots more ahead of us in the next few weeks!


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving WEEKEND

The coolest shot of Boots I've ever taken!

I can hardly believe how quickly the last few days sped by!  I was so determined to keep up on my blog posts, but somehow -----pweeesh----- the week went by, and here I'm sitting staring at hundreds of photos, thinking of myriads of funny stories, and wondering how in the world to condense so much entertainment into one concise, easy to read little blog...not sure I can.

I'm thinking I'll just reset and just summarize the last few days by saying, "They were great!" Here are a a ton of photos to give a quick shot of our Thanksgiving festivities:

Ed and Jeffrey watching the games while they...

munched on all the goodies!

Mom waiting...

This guy and I? Unbeatable in the kitchen

After two bottles of champagne, it seemed like the best way to mash potatoes!

The bird

the Acorn Squash with Goat cheese

The gravy - the one thing Jake and I argued over!

Cutting the bird

Helping cut

FINALLY served (can you believe I didn't get a table shot?!?!)

I love, love, love, love this photo

I was DONE!!!!

Friday we went to the Oregon Zoo to meet up with our friends Tim and Pilar and to see all of the millions of lights the Zoo puts up for the holidays. It really was magnificent.  While we didn't get photos of the actual lights, we did get some of the cuteness of our toddlers!  We met the Tragessers in our birthing class. Because Jeffrey was traveling for all but the first class, Tim and Pilar were my "support" throughout the few weeks of learning how to breathe and what to expect throughout the journey to parenthood!  Their son Jaden was born only 5 days before Ellie Graye, so they're almost EXACTLY the same age.   Ya gotta love fate!

why do we have the same expression?!?!

I love this family!

The ONE shot of lights - and, of course, it's EG's favorite: DUCKS!

Ok, time to move on to today - which was spent with our family friends Sufia, David, their two kiddos and Sufia's dad Hal.  I hadn't seen Hal in decades, and I was sooooo excited to have him come over.  I have so many childhood memories with him - our families were extremely close, and we were always between their house and ours. Both my dad and Hal were into the outdoors and went on LOOOOOONG backpacking trips pretty frequently.  Once they even let Sufia and I join them - which I loved, and which cured Sufia of ever wanting to backpack again: Mt. Whitney's Mountaineer's route.  We made it - and have plenty of amazing memories of sprained ankles, shared sleeping bags, Australian boys, and - if I remember correctly - lots of snoring.

Anyway, it really was great to see him, and hang out with "Fia" with a nice mellow family day.  I made a stuffed pork with a balsamic-cherry reduction sauce and paired it with a wild rice pilaf.  It was absolutely delish!

We went to feed the horses after our late, late lunch (yes, I'm in rubber mud boots and sweats, I know - it's the FARM!!!!)

Somehow over the last two days, I did manage to put together the Levin's Christmas Gift basket.  I so enjoy giving gifts that I've made - it feels so personal and meaningful to me.  I love creating something specifically for my individual friends - imagining what they'd like, and what would make it more meaningful to them!  In reality, I think it just might be a situation where the scripture, "It is better to give than to receive" might apply!

their own little piece of DPF

Something for each of the kiddos

And something to give away!

PHEW! I think that catches all of you up on my whirlwind weekend.  I hope that your holiday was as magnificent as mine!!!!!


Ellie dresses Jax up

posing with Cassie

cuddle time for Boots and Jax

From another angle

she LOVES Yovani

Playing with Granma Lene

"Who are you talking about????"

Silly Face

Dolly and Ellie looking for geese

Dolly needed her blanket